The Restricted Area Permit (RAP) regime notified under the Foreigners (Restricted Area) Order, 1963 has been relaxed vide Circular No. 506 of Foreigners Division, MHA, GOI dated 29.6.2018 and subsequently issued vide Circular No. 514 dated 17.09.2018 in Andaman & Nicobar Islands for 30 inhabited islands, requirement of RAP has been done with i.e no RAP is required by a foreigners to visit these islands, till 31.12.2022. The conditions and guidelines are as follows:-

  • Foreigners will not require RAP for visiting the following 30 Islands in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands viz. (1) East Island (2) North Andaman (3) Smith Island (4) Curfew Island (5) Stewart Island (6) Landfall Island (7) Aves Island (8) Middle Andaman (9) Long Island (10) Strait Island (11) North Passage (12) Baratang (13) South Andaman (14) Swaraj Dweep (15) Shaheed Dweep (16) Flat Bay (17) North Sentinel Island (18) Little Andaman (19) Chowra (20) Tillang Chong Island (21) Teressa (22) Katchal (23)Nancowry(24) Kamorta (25) Pulomilo (26) Great Nicobar (27) Little Nicobar(28) Narcondum Island (29) Interview Island and (30) Viper Island (Day visit only).
  • All the foreigners arriving at Port Blair will have to show their passport at Immigration counters at Airport and Seaport for verification.
  • Citizen of Afghanistan, China and Pakistan and foreign nationals having their origin in these countries would continue to require the Restricted Area Permit to visit Andaman & Nicobar Islands. In such cases, the Restricted Area Permit (RAP) would be granted only if the foreign tourists has obtained prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs. If any such national is found visiting these islands without the Restricted Area Permit, necessary penal action would be taken under the relevant provisions of the Foreigners Act, 1946.
  • For visiting Mayabunder and Diglipur, Citizens of Myanmar will continue to require Restricted Area Permit (RAP) which shall be issued only with the prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • In order to ensure preservation of nature and marine resources (including Marine parks and Environment) of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands without affecting tourism and business at large, the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Environment & Forest from time to time should be strictly adhered to.
  • Separate approvals of the competent authority would continue to be required for visiting Reserved Forests, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Tribal Reserves.
  • The visiting parties would invariably be accompanied by a guide nominated by the Chief Wild Life Warden of A&N Islands and should follow the code of conduct in the Park areas.
  • Visitors should pay an entry fee. In case of violation of National Marine Park Code suitable fine may be imposed on the offender by the A&N Islands Administration.
  • Visit to the Marine Park area is to be restricted to small boats or glass bottom boats. No oil leakage is to be allowed in the area.
  • In case of foreigners staying in hotels/lodges/guest houses, hostels, sarais, inns etc. in the islands, there is a mandatory requirement of submission of details of such foreigners in Form-C by the hotel keepers to the FRO, Port Blair, mentioning the date of arrival, departure and next place of visit. The Form-C may be submitted in offline mode to FRO whenever the Hotel keeper finds it difficult to submit in online mode. Hotels situated outside port Blair not having net connectivity should submit the form-C with concerned SHO’s within 24 hours and SHO’s should furnished the information to FRO office immediately.
  • In order to access areas housing defence, paramilitary and other sensitive establishments in these islands, specific permissions from the competent authority shall be required.
  • In case a foreigners stay is more than 180 days, he or she should registered with FRO Port Blair within 14 days.
  • No foreigners shall remain in these areas after the expiry of travel documents/permit.
  • Scuba Diving and underwater Photography is to be permitted in identified area, but no removal of Coral Fish or any other item from the Marine Park is to be permitted.
  • Possession/sale/use/purchase/transportation of contraband drugs is liable for prosecution and shall result in imprisonment for up to 20 years.
  • Camping on sea beaches and sleeping in the jungle is strictly prohibited. No person will remain on the sea beach and jungle after sunset.
  • Do not stay in unauthorized buildings/premises.
  • Do not drive any vehicle without valid International driving license. Wearing of helmet is compulsory for two wheeler riders and pillion rider.
  • Obscenity in public places is liable for prosecution. Also respect the culture and customs of the people of the area where you visit.
  • No photograph of aboriginal tribes (Jarawas) while traveling by bus/cars through Andaman Trunk Road is allowed. It is a legal offence.
  • Do not engage any un-authorized mechanized dinghy/boat/vessel to cross sea/creeks etc.
  • Obtain Immigration related information from Immigration Branch at Port Blair main office, located in the ground floor of the office of Supdt. of Police (South Andaman District)/Foreigners Registration Officer. Phone No. 03192-237793 and 234472 extensions 358 & 374.
  • In any emergency, please contact the concerned police station of the area. The telephone numbers are: Police Control Room (for Port Blair Area) (100), PS Swaraj Dweep (282405), PS Shaheed Dweep (282602), PS Baratang (279503), PS Kadamtala (267005), OP Long Island (278611) PS Rangat (274239), OP Beta Pur (270111), PS Billiground (270523), PS Mayabunder (273203) PS Diglipur (272223), PS Kalighat (278149), PS Hut Bay (284208),PS Katchal (293464),PS Teressa (294039), PS Campbell Bay (263464), PS Nancowry (263464).