Recruitment Rule
Police Radio
Executive Police
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group B (Non- Gazetted) Inspector (Exe.), SI (Exe.), SI (Musketry) and SI (Band Master) in A&N Police.
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group B (Non- Gazetted) post of Senior Scientific Assistant in the Forensic Science Laboratory in A&N Police.
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group C (Non- Gazetted) post of Scientific Assistant in the Forensic Science Laboratory in A&N Police.
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group C (Non- Gazetted) Executive ASI, ASI (Band), HC, HC (Musketry), HC (Magazine), HC (Bugler), Constable (Exe.)(Bandsmen)(Bugler), Follower Cook, Follower Carpenter, FD, Follower Barber, Follower Cobbler, Follower Tailor, Follower Waterman Mali, Safai Karamchari and Peon in A&N Police.
Police Motor Transport
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group C (Non- Gazetted) post of Inspector (PMT) in A&N Police.
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group B (Non- Gazetted) post of SI(PMT)in A&N Police.
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group C (Non- Gazetted) for the post of ASI(PMT) in A&N Police.
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group C (Non- Gazetted) HC(Mechanic), HC(Fitter), HC(Electrician), HC(Welder), Hc(Painter), HC(Store Keeper), Hc(Dealing Assistant), Constable (Driver), PC (Assistant Mechanic), PC (Mechanic Helper), PC (Cleaner) and Dispatch Rider in A&N Police.
Police Marine Force
Police Fire Service
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group B (Non- Gazetted) SI(Station Officer) in A&N Police.
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group C post of HC (Fitter), HC (Welder), HC (Electrician), HC (Painter), PC (Driver), PC (Fireman), PC (Assistant Mechanic), Follower Cook, Follower Dhobi, Follower Tailor, Follower Barber, Follower Daftry and Safai Karamchari in A&N Police.
- Recruitment Rules for various post in A&N police fire service.(old RR)
India Reserve Battalion
- Recruitment Rule for Deputy Commandant and Assistant Commandant.
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group B (Non- Gazetted) Inspector (GD), Inspector (Wireless), SI(GD), SI(Wireless) in A&N Police.
- Recruitment Rules for the post of Group C (Non- Gazetted) post of ASI(GD), HC(GD), HC(Wireless), Constable(GD), Constable (Wireless), Water Carrier, Safai Karamchari, Cook, Dhobi and Barber in A&N Police.